Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is why I'm for torture

So, as a prideful southern male, I've always tried to carry myself with some class not one of these jack&#$es. I realize people of all races can be racist, idiots. I also realize that in group settings, some people say stupid stuff just because they think it sounds cool. 

Personally, I have about as much tolerance for white racists (southern or not) as I would have for a law stating we all have to have swastikas tattooed on our faces. Therefore, forgive me for being extreme, but every time a few idiots like these get together, they overshadow the progress that thousands of people try to make in bridging the race-gap every day. That's why I have no problem with letting the Southern Miss football team, many of whom happen to be black, spend an unsupervised hour or two with these buffoons. I can't stand's Mike Freeman, but unfortunately, in this case, he represents what a great many think. 

The worst part is that one of the fools you hear on air is the station owner's son, and he'll keep his job. I don't have children, but if my son ever made this much of a fool of himself, a job would be the least of his worries. 

I love the state of Mississippi. I lived there for four years, and know some of the best people in the world who live there. Unfortunately, those people get lost in lots of people's site lines behind a few words from a few fools that will no doubt spread like kudzu this week across the internet and the media. God, help us. 

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